Born in Russia, Dr. Pilkington was educated in Russia (Krasnoyarsk State University), China (Hei-He Pedagogical University), the US (Southern Utah University and UMass Boston), and the UK (University of Birmingham). She holds a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics and studies written discourse, scientific writing, and the intersection of science and humanities. Dr. Pilkington joined DSU in 2009 and is now an Assistant Professor of English and an Assistant Director of Undergraduate Research. She is the author of two monographs–Presented Discourse in Popular Science: Professional Voices in Books for Lay Audiences (Brill) and The Language of Popular Science: Analyzing the Communication of Advanced Ideas to Lay Readers (McFarland)–in addition to being an editor of Lab Lit: Exploring Literary and Cultural Representations of Science (Lexington). Dr. Pilkington mentors undergraduate and graduate research students in the areas of linguistics and literature.
She does not have any free time…